4 min readApr 19, 2021


FIXING THE PUZZLE(final episode)

Credit: Online (unidentified source)

“Carla!! We would not have this conversation again. You’re not going to become a burden on this family. Not after all the investment we’ve put in you. Better start thinking of getting something permanent or more stable to do with that graduate certificate or at worse go back for a PhD and stop this joke”, Mr. Bartels roared.

Her mother calmly looked on as if she was oblivious to what was going on, but Carla knew just too well both parents must have had that conversation. Carla was however too upset at this point to take offense with anyone else but herself and her God who had bothered her with dreams, words and Holy Spirit ministrations. She calmly stood up without a word and went to her room.

Something in her, had told her not to make the whole destiny and purpose pursuit a prayer topic. However the emptiness and feeling of loss or “un-accomplishment” she felt each morning she woke up wondering what exactly she wanted to do with her life was becoming over burdening. Her inability to secure any good job that suited her level of education was a genuine call for concern.

She however kept walking away from a job offers that didn’t seem to fit in the scope of her dream and those she didn’t think she’ll enjoy doing. However, hailing from a developing country where all you wanted was a stable source of income, her feelings, dreams, intuitions or whatever name it was given were considered over-rated or just could not exist. You did whatever was available to earn a monthly salary.

In confusion and solitude, she curled up beside her bed and wept. She couldn’t place words to it but she felt tired, lost, broken and unsure. No one understood her. Her siblings kept throwing advices her way without listening to her thoughts. As far as they were concerned, she was just being a spoilt child and they knew better.

However, she also knew what she had heard clearly. That dream in which God had told her to pause and focus on Him and in return He’ll give her what her heart desired and in detail.

Everyone was different and God dealt with everyone differently. That’s how He had chosen to deal with her because she had come to understand she had a peculiar call on her life. In the midst of the tears, she prayed for strength, focus and direction, because, at this point, she was beginning to believe what everyone else was saying and was even contemplating taking back on any offer that came her way or return to school.

Drifting off to sleep when she couldn’t cry or pray anymore, she had a rather weird dream. A dream in which she was being directed to search up an accomplished looking woman who wore confidence on her sleeve and looked pleasing to the eye. She heard a name mentioned in her sleep and saw someone hand her a paper on which the name of the lady was written. Just when she took the paper in the dream, Carla woke up. The dream felt too real to be discarded, and out of curiosity, she disconnected her phone from the charging unit and keyed in the name she thought she saw and heard. She missed a few letters, but Google seemed to know who she was in search of and literally led her right there.

Impressed with what she saw, Carla kept scrolling through her phone, watching interviews upon interviews and reading everything she could find on the lady. She knew exactly why she had been led to her, they thought alike; so, so much alike and she had achieved all what Carla had ever wanted to achieve. Looked like she was the older version of Carla who had figured out all the details and succeeded in surviving from most of the battles and living the life.

In sight was a career woman making waves across continents; one who could preach a storm and pray down demons while standing in heels, with a husband who adored her and children who loved their mother to bits. Her interest in kingdom business and particularly women empowerment was the icing on the cake for Carla.

She had figured out what God had been trying to tell her all this while, she was called into the women and youth empowerment ministry, possibly to help them discover themselves and know they could actually have it all, no matter what they were called to do on earth. What she didn’t know yet was the “how” of bringing this to pass or the fine details, but something in her told her she would get it and was not alone.

Truly, her dreams were very achievable if she didn’t take God out of the mix. With Christ in her boat, she was going to find out what exactly He wanted her to do on this earth, the when, the how and every other thing.

In the meantime, she was going to pray it out, faith it out, learn all she could and look out for job opportunities she had the leading to apply for; those that fit in the scheme of the plans only she could view.




Why settle for less, when you can shatter the glass and have it all!! Dream, grow and change the world!!